Wake Up! You Are Already Enlightened

Stop chasing your own tail and look inward: admit that you are the universe already.

Alexandre Porto
4 min readAug 5, 2022
Cristo Redentor in Rio , Brazil — Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

The feeling that you are lost in the world, a prisoner in your own body can be considered a universal feeling that pushed crowds throughout history to search for spiritual leaders, in hopes that by listening to what the guru has to say we may achieve enlightenment and finally get that peace of mind that we long for.

By “peace of mind”, I mean the ceasing of the compulsive mental dialogue, the constant noise that permeates all human activities and seems to echo inside our heads regardless of our mental state. Even meditation masters aren’t free of this condition and in meditation courses, we are taught to stop trying to silence the mind with force, but rather just observe it.

The existence of mental chatter is not the problem itself, the issue is that the compulsive mental activity of judging the external world, making mental remarks, creating schemes of behavior, and classifying our surroundings — which is fundamental for our mental “map of reality” — can also create the illusion that the map is the territory.



Alexandre Porto

Pieces of the integral man. Specialist in the responsible use of psychedelics. https://t.me/perrella